
hi friends!

welcome to our blog. we are sisters and best friends. kelda lives in the bay area and lauren lives in nyc. together, we share all things travel, money and more. our mission is to provide actionable tips that still let you live your life! thanks for visiting!

The 8 Items We Won't Travel The World Without

The 8 Items We Won't Travel The World Without


We may be less than two weeks into December, but we’ve already spent hours wandering through the mall + scouring the internet to find the best gifts for all of our friends + family members. So far, we’ve come out with more gifts for ourselves than others…but we’ll get there! We’ve been wanting to put a post together sharing all of the travel items we can’t live without + thought that there was no better time than the holiday season! All of these products would be perfect for the jet-setter in your life! Or for a self-gift…we won’t judge!


  1. Mario Badescu Rose Water Spray - This is a LIFE SAFER to toss in your carry on + use on the plane. The air quality in planes isn’t great + often leaves your skin feeling dull + dry. Doing a quick spritz of this when you land not only rejuvenates skin, but will also makes you feel fresh + smell amazing!

  2. Hardshell Carry-On Suitcase - For years we would travel with a soft carry-on and it would expand into weird shapes whenever we (over)packed it. This usually meant that it wouldn’t actually fit into the overhead bins. We love our hardshell suitcases because they never lose shape, keep everything safe + fit everything better. This is a must have! Kelda’s is linked here + it’s held up so well across multiple transatlantic flights.

  3. Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask - This mask is a total game changer + has completely transformed our skin. The brand’s cofounders are both frequent fliers who were always complaining of dry, dull + polluted skin from their travels. The mask goes on clear + soaks into your skin. You don’t need to wash it off + nobody will ever be able to tell that you’re even wearing a mask! We like to use the mask in flight, as well as 2-3 days a week when we aren’t traveling.

  4. Quality Headphones - Is there anything worse than getting on a plane, picking a movie to watch + realizing you don’t have any headphones?? The type of headphone you pick totally depends on your travel needs. If you typically download TV shows or movies to watch, we’d recommend the wireless Bose headphones. They don’t need to be charged too frequently, offer great sound quality + are also great if you like to wear headphones when working out. BUT…if you rely on the airline screens for your entertainment needs, you absolutely have to have wired headphones.

  5. Silk Sleep Mask - We both have the hardest time getting a restful night’s sleep on planes, but a quality sleep mask makes such a big difference. Silk is much better for your skin + hair than the typical masks that planes provide. This one is also way more comfortable + thicker than the average mask. We still aren’t able to sleep through an entire flight, but this mask, along with some melatonin, helps us get at least a few hours of rest!

  6. Longchamp Tote - This is a great item to bring on the plane + most airlines will allow you to use this as your personal item. It’s large enough to hold your laptop, toiletries, etc. but it also has a zipper, unlike most totes, which is ideal to make sure that nothing falls out once you put it under your seat. Even better? It folds up super small so it makes for a great bag to pack + use on your return flight for all of the goodies you pick up while traveling.

  7. APL Tennis Shoes - We cannot stress enough the importance of flying in good quality, comfortable shoes, preferably sneakers. You will be so thankful when you’re standing in long lines at customs or sprinting across the airport to make your connecting flight. We love APL, but would also recommend Allbirds or Adidas Swift Run.

  8. A cute passport holder - Okay, this one isn’t really a necessity, but we just love having a cute travel accessory like this + it makes your pre-flight Insta story just that much better.

We hope this list of our favorite travel necessities helps you find the perfect gift for the globetrotters in your life or helps you when packing for your next trip!! Let us know if you have any recs for us to add to the list + try on our next vacation!!

Be sure to check us out on Instagram, @HelloHENRYs, to enter our holiday giveaway! Happy Holidays + Happy Shopping!!

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