All in Tips And Tricks

The Tipping Point

The financial impact of tipping is often not accounted for or considered. Hidden costs and expenses are a huge reason behind why individuals cannot stick to their budgets or keep track of their spending. Through conversations with individuals in the service industry, friends and adults that I respect and look up to, I have come up with my best practices for tipping. Hopefully, these guidelines will be helpful to each of you if you ever find yourself in any unprecedented or new situations, as I did.

Nobody Cares About You

Negotiating a salary, whether at a new company or in our current roles, is the fastest way to make more money.. Your current salary sets the bar both for potential raises with your current company and for your starting salary at future jobs with new companies. Pushing for just a $1000 or $2000 salary increase, today, can pay dividends over the course of your career. Read on for my tried and true advice for a successful salary negotiation.

Ballin' On A Budget

I want to enable all twenty-somethings to live the fun, fabulous and free spirited lives that they so desire. However, in order to do that, we all need to put in a little bit of work to create a plan that fits our lifestyles. Read on for my recommendations on how to build a budget that you can actually stick to!